Leah Grey

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How to Crush Your 2020 Goals (it’s not what you think!)

Do you feel you drop the ball a lot when it comes to your goals?

Be honest, this is a judgement-free zone here, Sis 🤗. I’ve definitely felt that way. It’s hard to admit, but since we’re now officially internet friends, I can keep it real with you.

Sometimes, my motivation feels like Carmen San Diego - “Where in the world was it?!

The beginning of the year used to be filled with excitement and energy. I was so hyped! I’d set new goals and convince myself that, “New year, New me” was in full effect.

The truth was, it was a new year, but it was the same me. Same not-so-great results with the same feelings of frustration. 

Can you relate?

New Year, New You.

The whole “new year” thing is easy - God takes care of that part. 

The “new me” concept is a bit more complicated. I had the desire to change and would create new habits but somewhere along the line I’d fall back into my old, not-so-productive self. 

I listened to podcasts and read motivational article trying to find things to pump me up. It worked, but that pump was always short lived. 

Things didn’t change for me until I went to God with my frustrations, “God you created me, what’s the deal? Am I broken or something?!

God: “You’re not broken, but your thought life is.

Boom. There it is. 🤯

Check Your Order

We can always count on Jesus for a good ol’ reality check. 

I was out of order

  1. I was trying to change the wrong things, like my feelings, actions, and habits but I was completely neglecting the root of those things… my thoughts and my heart. 

  2. I had set goals that I’d never discussed with God. I’d completely left Him out of that part of my life. 

So, yeah… Houston we have a problem. 

If you’ve found yourself feeling like you’re on the Hamster wheel of life, trying to be better and do more, only to come up short, you are not alone. 

If you’re feeling frustrated and discouraged, I get it. But I have some good news for you - you can step off that Hamster wheel, grab your Bible, and get before God. 

He promises to order our steps. Plus, He created you so He knows exactly how to get you on track.

Who Are You?

Before we go any further, let’s get this clear. No matter what you’ve been through, what mistakes you’ve made, or how you’ve failed, there is no condemnation for anyone in Christ Jesus. 

That means no guilt trip, shame, or hopelessness for all who follow Jesus. You’re a child of the King! Through Him, there is grace, mercy, and power always available to and for you.

So if you hear a voice rising up, reminding you of how you’ve failed, know it’s not the voice of your Heavenly Father. Kick that voice to the curb (is it super obvious that I’m a 90s kid?) #gettostepping.

You’re a new creature in Christ Jesus. Get serious about discovering what that means and the rest will follow. 

If I asked, “Who are you?” The correct answer is, “I’m exactly who God says I am.” Certainly you are not your sins or mistakes.

It’s Time For a Change

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s be clear...  

Being a new creature in Christ does not exempt you from doing your part. There’s still work to be done, and you dear, must do it. 

I can hear you asking, “Do what? What exactly am I supposed to do?!

Well, let’s start with the basics. Start with Romans 12:2 (CSB) “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”

The personal transformation you desire begins with the renewing of your mind. When we renew our minds, we stop old ways of thinking and beliefs and start aligning our thinking with the Word of God. 

This alignment gives insight into the will of God. Which means we’re able to set goals rooted in the will of God for our lives. And that’s a beautiful thing, Sis! #clarity 🤓

Change Begins In The Mind

I hear you… “That’s good and dandy, but how exactly am I supposed to renew my mind?!

The answer is simple (not easy). 

I’m sure you’ve heard this quote, “Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character.” [source]

Well, the Bible said it first, “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life,” Proverbs 4:23.

Both of those quotes, reveal this: Every word you speak or action you make, first started in your mind with your beliefs and thoughts. 

Before Christ, our thoughts were on auto-pilot. They were based on our upbringing, culture, and personal experiences. It’s easy to see how our thought life could get so icky and corrupted. 

Here’s the good news- through Christ, we’re given the power to choose thoughts that align with His Word. You get to choose which thoughts you’ll keep and which ones you won’t.

Promise Requires a Process

The thought of changing my whole thought life and renewing my mind, when all I really wanted to do was hit my goals, was overwhelming.

But our promise from God regarding who He’s called us to be, requires us to go through a process of developing in Him. 

Just look at David’s journey to becoming the king, Joseph’s journey to being a ruler, etc…

God develops you so when you step into the things He’s given you, you’ve developed the character to maintain it. 

Choosing Our Thoughts

As God was bringing me through this part of my process here were the two things that helped me:

  1. I asked God to help me become more aware of my thoughts.

  2. I asked Him to help me find scriptures I could use to replace old thoughts. I got aggressive with meditating on those scriptures by repeating them to myself like a mad-woman, breaking them down, and speaking them aloud. 

I started doing those two things in 2018. At first, it didn’t really feel like it was making much of a difference, but in 2019, I saw my life begin to change. 

When January of 2019 rolled around, I was so discouraged by my former failures that I didn’t even set goals for the year. Instead I picked one word to focus on for the year, “discipline.”

I knew it was a fruit of the spirit and I knew it was an aspect of my character God wanted me to develop. 

Since we’re being honest, I’ll tell you… One of the main reasons I had trouble hitting my goals was because I lacked discipline. 

I thought like a quitter, so I behaved like a quitter. I could have won a Gold Medal in “Excuse Making,” because I could always justify the reason why I didn’t do what I needed to do. 

I realized that even if God gave me everything I wanted, without developing discipline, I’d eventually have found myself back at square one- and it would have been devastating.

A Turning Point

I found a scripture on discipline (2 Timothy 1:7) in 2019 that became the foundation of my new thought process. 

I can’t tell you how many times I tried to flake on doing something because I didn’t feel like doing it. I’d start to make excuses for not following through, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I’d catch myself.

[*Leah here, in reading this all I can think is that the Holy Spirit caught her! In His arms, before lovingly turning her the way God wanted her to go. God disciplines those He loves, Heb. 12:6.]

In those moments, I’d have to choose to think about and believe 2 Timothy 1:7. I’d say things to myself like, “I don’t need to feel like doing it. God’s given me a sound mind, self-control, discipline and God’s given me the ability to walk in it. I am disciplined.

My original train of thought was filled with excuses, and I’d have to constantly get off to hop on the “discipline train.” 

Did I behave disciplined every time? Nope, I didn’t. There were many days I chose to ignore it. 

But, something amazing happened. The more I chose to think it, believe it, and act on it, the easier and more natural it became. During the last quarter of the year, I finally decided to set goals for myself. And you know what? I surpassed them. 

By letting God change me and my character (and bad habits!), I was able to accomplish things I’d been trying to do for years in only three months.

Rerouting Your Thoughts

Sometimes, I feel God is like Siri. When I get out of alignment, I hear Him say “Rerouting… Rerouting.” Lol. Okay, I don’t actually hear Him say that, but that’s what plays in my head when He’s correcting me. 

I heard it a lot when He was correcting my thought life and helping me to renew my mind.

When I first went to God, I was honestly expecting Him to just help me switch some things up so I could hit my goals. 

I quickly came to the realization that while I was trying to change my life, God was trying to change me. I believe sometimes God’s more concerned with changing our character than He is our situation (to be clear, this absolutely doesn’t apply to situations of emotional, physical, or mental abuse).

[Leah here, sometimes it totally applies to those situations! Not many people find the strength to leave abuse without first having their minds renewed. Strength must be mustered and for that, the mind needs to be mastered!] 

In the end, I sought God because of the struggle I had with my goals, but I was changed by sitting with Him while I waited.

Follow His Lead

Whatever your goals are or areas of your life you’ve been working on, follow the lead of your Heavenly Father. Let Him walk you through His process. You’ll accomplish more by submitting to Him than you will on your own. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you… plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. You will call to me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.”

Trust His Plan. Get into His Word. Trust His Process.

You’ve got this!



Bernadette Whyte is a New York Native, but she’s currently living her best (and warmest) life in the Sunshine State. She’s also the blogger behind The Queen Life ( www.thequeenlife.me) where she writes about all things mindset, motivation, and making moves. When she's not strapped to her laptop, you can find her exploring local hotspots with her husband, volunteering with her favorite non profit, or scouring the city for ice cream (lots and lots of ice cream). Bernadette has a heart for ministering to women and reminding them of who they are in Christ. Her new store Crowned Ink (www.crownedink.com) is just one of the ways she's encouraging her sisters in Christ.


A four-week Bible study on who you are to God. Written from the perspective of three different women with loved ones who have struggled with addiction, this simple study is guaranteed to leave you feeling encouraged and like you belong in God’s Kingdom.

Comes with homework + journaling prompts.

30-day money back guarantee. 

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