Leah Grey
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Sound advice for wives of addiction that doesn’t include, β€œRUN!”

(Unless they’re straight-up crazy. In which case, Girl, get those demons out yo’ house!)

Leah Grey, Word Awards Winner, Best Blog of the Year


Hello, I’m Leah Grey.

I have never wanted to be some kind of addiction-guru; hair-guru is more like it. You want to know what cut is going to most flatter your face shape? I’m your girl. You want to know what to do at 3 a.m. when your husband hasn’t answered the phone and he’s taken $300 out of your joint account? No, thank you.

But there I was- talking about addiction while my husband went to rehab. Again.

I applied for jobs for four months. Like, all the jobs. Even Tim Hortons. That’s a lie, I didn’t apply anywhere with a button uniform, I have Koumpounophobia, an irrational fear of buttons. Yes, it’s real. Steve Jobs has it, too.

After being gracefully β€œlet go” from my stylist position (where I worked for free on commission) and applying for all the buttonless low-wage jobs I could find, I finally submitted to defeat… and started a blog.

Surely, blogging would help bring in some income. I could inspire people! But underneath it all, what I really wanted was to find someone else like me. A normal girl who had a normal life and suddenly found herself in a mess far beyond her control.

7 years and 495,000 visitors later, I found a few.

If that’s you and you need support, join our free online community, Habit.



No One Brings You a Casserole When Your Husband Goes to Rehab

β€œThis book is gut-wrenchingly honest about the rollercoaster of loving someone with an active addiction. However, if you've already experienced what that's like, then it'll feel refreshingly relatable instead of just plain sad. It's comical, dare I say whimsical, and the lightest piece of literature you've probably ever come across on the topic of addiction.”

-Amazon Review, April 27, 2022


Be present. Dance more. Choose happy. 😊

Support for wives of addicts

About me

β€’ I published my first book in 2022; It was an Amazon #1 bestseller in the first week! (shameless plug)

β€’ Leah is my real first name. Grey is a pen name. It means nothing- I was wearing a grey sweater.

β€’ I lived in the New York City area for just short of a decade before moving back to Canada.

β€’ I started a side-business as a copywriter. You can hire me to write things like this. Yay!

β€’ I’m completely obsessed with Maileg toys and like to find ways to fund my obsession. I mean, collection.

β€’ I officially archived my blog December 2022. You can read my last blog here.


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Every once in awhile, I like to send some word love to your inbox.

By once in awhile, I mean like 4x a year.

Aliases welcome. Make me laugh!