Posts in Mental Health
You Ain’t Gotta Make Your Mind Up (Right Now)

Don’t rush, no pressure.

Everyone who knows me well, knows I love Justin Bieber. I’m sorry if you just lost all respect for me but I'm Canadian so I’m going to claim ignorance. The Biebs has gotten wiser in his trials and there’s some real nuggets of wisdom in his songs (albeit grammatical errors but wisdom nonetheless). One of my favourites is, â€śYou ain’t gotta make your mind up right now, don’t rush, no pressure”. 

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Experts Weigh in With Practical Advice on Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of those things I think we all have to struggle with at one point in our lives. No one is immune to being hurt so forgiveness becomes an important part of our human relationships. 

To get a better understanding on this often very difficult subject, I asked some of my favourite fellow bloggers, writers, speakers and Christian influencers: â€śWhat practical advice would you give to a women who’s really struggling with forgiveness?”

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25 Signs You're Experiencing Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse isn't something we can see. It would be obvious someone is hurting us if they always left bruises, but when our emotions are bruised, it can be confusing to identify abuse.

It's a, "If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around, does it make a sound?” situation.

Not surprisingly, there are plenty of experts who believe emotional abuse is more damaging than physical abuse because it often happens every day.

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Why Being a Peaceful Christian Doesn't Mean Being a Pushover

Do you REALLY know the difference between prayerful and pushover?

If you’ve lived with an addict, you may have found yourself becoming the unofficial peacemaker. You learned how to manage tension and prevent tempers from flaring. You may push away your feelings or overlook wrong behaviours because your world revolves around keeping other people happy.

If you’re like I was, you probably didn’t see it in the beginning (or now!). But the "peacemaker" mentality is more than likely there.

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