Leah Grey

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The Biggest Lie About Addiction (and why it's so dangerous!)

When I wrote this post the first time, I felt like wherever I went for support, my husband was being given excuses for his behaviour. Because this is the problem, after all, with the disease model of addiction; it provides a responsibility-less excuse. For someone in denial about their addiction, it can perpetuate the issue more than it helps.

I don’t want to argue that addiction can change the brain, of course it can. It doesn’t take a science degree to know that dopamine is released from certain behaviours, which creates a memory and triggers the reward system in the brain, which can change neuro pathways, and in turn makes someone more likely to continue to pursue the reward. This “reward system” is activated through all repetitive behaviours whether it be from playing video games, food addiction, shopping and the like.

Let’s not overcomplicate it; it’s Parenting 101.

Do this, get a reward, do this, you get punished. Chase the pleasure, or you receive the pain (of me taking away your phone).

As an article by Neil Levy of the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Australia for Frontiers in psychology said,

“If we are to show that addiction is a brain disease, we shall need to show that the underlying pathology is a pathology of the brain. We need to show that the brain is dysfunctional, in much the same way as medical scientists establish that an organ is diseased by showing that it is dysfunctional. The canonical example in medical science is heart disease: heart disease counts as a disease because it threatens to interfere with the function of the heart. The heart’s functional role is pumping blood; because heart disease interferes with that role, it is a disease.”

And herein lies the problem, if the brain is being trained by a reward system that results in addictive behaviours (which is not the only, but appears to be the most common theory), then there’s an argument to be made that the brain is not dysfunctional, but in fact functioning exactly as it’s supposed to.

Snap, right?

Let me say it another way, if addiction is a disease, it implies the brain is broken and no longer working correctly. But as this article, and others support, the brain is functioning exactly as it is supposed to.

This article was never intended to become an argument on whether or not addiction is a disease because I don’t think the classification matters.

Remember that addiction is an umbrella term. If we are going to talk about addiction being a disease, we must talk about it as a whole. Drugs and alcohol are the not the only addictive behaviours and patterns.

That said, I do not believe addiction is:

  1. permanent

  2. sinless

I will base everything below on a Biblical perspective, so if you’re not a believer in God, this may not align with what you believe. If you are a believer, I hope it provokes you to question what you believe. I have always been an advocate of challenging what I am told and checking it by scripture. Don’t ever allow anyone else to be your educator without first making sure that what they say is consistent with the nature of God.

If it contradicts the Bible, it cannot be true. Which is what we’re going to discuss below!

What does God say about addiction? Is addiction really a disease? Can God heal addiction? When Jesus came to heal the sick, did that include addictions? I'm Leah Grey, the girl talking about Christians with addictions. Get the answers to these tough questions and more in my post, "The Biggest Lie about Addiction (and why it's so dangerous!)". Click to read more or PIN for later!

The truth shall set you free.

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (ESV)

-John 8:31-32

My husband says I’m pretty, down-to-earth, sweet and sometimes, a little bit offensive. I know this is a highly-criticized point of view but I'm going to say it anyway... The biggest (and most dangerous) lie about addiction is that it's a disease.

Addiction is not a disease. 

There. Said it.

If We Believe It Is, It Must Be So

We live in a culture where we believe what's popular instead of what is true, because if something is popular it must be true. In reality, there are different kinds of truth:

  1. Things that are true for all people.

  2. Things we make true for ourselves (personal truths).

  3. Things God says are true.

"The way things appear to me, in that way they exist for me; and the way things appears to you, in that way they exist for you" -Plato

Often, we accept something as our truth that isn't God's truth. 📰Just because an opinion is popular, doesn’t mean the opinion is true!

What Does God's Word Say About Addiction?

The Bible says a lot about disease, drunkenness and immorality, but addiction and disease are clearly differentiated from each other in the Word of God. 

  • God’s Word says, addictive and indulgent behaviour will keep us from inheriting the kingdom of God:

“When YOU FOLLOW the DESIRES of your SINFUL nature, the RESULTS are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that ANYONE living that sort of life WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God.

-Galatians 5:19-21 (NLT)

I don’t think God would keep someone with heart disease from inheriting His Kingdom, but He would not allow a sex addict in heaven’s gates, no matter what the doctor says about their “brain disease.”

  • God’s Word says, whoever is “led astray” by addiction wasn't using good judgement:

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever IS LED ASTRAY by it IS NOT WISE.

-Proverbs 20:1

We aren’t “led astray” by diseases, we are led astray by sin. 

  • God’s Word says, not to let addiction enslave us:

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or SLAVES to much wine…”

-Titus 2:3

That puts the responsibility on us, not on a disease.

Being reverent in behaviour means we're respectful to God by using self-control. Not being a slanderer is in-line with the Biblical definitions of how God wants His daughters to behave. He doesn’t want us yelling and screaming at people, gossiping, or making false accusations.

  • God’s Word says, addiction is corruption and sensual pleasure:

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is DEBAUCHERY, but be filled with the Spirit”

-Ephesians 5:18 (ESV)

Debauchery is defined as: excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance. [Source] 

  • God’s Word says, judgement will come if we don't repent and abstain from addiction:

“WOE (judgment is coming) to those who rise early in the morning to PURSUE intoxicating drink, who stay up late in the night till wine INFLAMES them!”

-Isaiah 5:11 (AMP)

Does judgement come to all who suffer from disease? Are they staying up late getting all hopped up on their diabetic cookies? Are they rising early in the morning and pursuing intoxicating drink because of Alzheimer's disease?

Of course not. Christians, give your head a shake!

What Does God's Word Say About Disease?

  • God’s Word says, healing from disease is a blessing:

“WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.”

-Exodus 23:25 (NIV)

Worship the Lord… we cannot worship the Lord and simultaneously give way to addiction.

The Bible says that light can have no partnership with darkness. We can cry out to the Lord from the darkness to save us, but we need to commit our ways to Him if we want to live in the shelter of His blessing.

  • God’s Word gives instruction on how to handle disease and sickness:

“Is anyone among you SICK? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”

-James 5:14 (ESV)

Of course it would be great for anyone struggling with addiction to have prayer and anointing, but there's a definite difference in the Biblical approach to disease versus addiction. Like, one you anoint their heads with oil, and the other you cast out the devil in the same of Jesus. Small differences 😆🙈.

  • God’s Word says, He will strengthen the sick:

“The Lord will strengthen him ON HIS BED OF ILLNESS; You will sustain him on his SICKBED.”

-Psalm 41:3

God strengthens and sustains those who are weakened by sickness. I do believe this also means mental illness, which many who struggle with addiction have, but mental illness is not an excuse to sin.

  • God’s Word distinguishes a difference between sickness and sin:

"PRAISE THE LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins AND heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion..."

-Psalm 103:2-4 (NIV)

As always, all who are forgiven and healed receive the same love and compassion in the end, but living in sin will not be excused by God. Even if man believes it to be true.

If Addiction Isn't a Disease, What Is It?

Addiction is a sin. 

Now, don’t lose me here, but can sin make us sick? Sure. Can sin open up our lives to demonic influences and possessions? Absolutely. 

“That evening after sunset, many sick AND demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus. The whole town gathered at the door to watch. So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, AND he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak.”

-Mark 1:32-34 (NLT)

But the ROOT CAUSE of addiction is NOT disease, it’s sin. Whoever allows themselves to be led astray by sensual desires, alcohol, drugs, or anything else that takes the place of God will receive God’s judgement. An addicted spouse HAS the CHOICE to attempt to turn from sin and live righteously.

I say “attempt” because I don’t think God expects perfection, He expects effort. It says in the Bible that God sees the heart. So as long as your spouse’s heart is in the right place, that’s all He asks.

Because of our sinful nature, there is no true cure for addiction apart from God. That must be why the non-Christian organizations say, “Once an addict, always an addict,” because they don’t know true deliverance. [Read: Can an Addict Stop being an Addict?

The Bible really does have an answer for almost every discussion we can have about addiction. Refer to it first when you need guidance!

God didn’t draw the line at sexual immorality and drinking, He even outlined exactly how we should eat. If we choose to overeat and that makes us sick, the Bible says we will receive judgement for our decisions.

If you’ve read my writing for awhile, you might have noticed I’m a huge advocate of eating according to Biblical guidelines. I try very hard to avoid the animals on the “do not eat” list. I don’t think eating them will take away my salvation, but I don’t think it’s the healthiest way to live my best life.

Plus, pork causes cancer just as much as smoking. Yes, that’s right- GOD KNEW.

“For anyone who EATS AND DRINKS without discerning the body eats and drinks JUDGEMENT on himself. THAT IS WHY many of YOU ARE WEAK AND ILL, and some have died.”

-1 Corinthians 11:29 (ESV)

Come to think about it, I had better address and repent of my after-dinner cookie problem…

I Think It's Dangerous to Call Addiction a Disease

1.  The way we think is powerful. Saying addiction is a disease builds on the, "Once an addict, always an addict" mentality which only creates hopelessness. 

2.  It removes personal responsibility, perpetuates the victim mentality, and encourages denial.

3.  Addiction is "drunkenness, idolatry and debauchery.” If we say it’s anything else, we are going against God’s Word.

4. Addiction can’t be cured with medicine, but it can be cured by following Jesus! Using medicine to take away cravings is a bandaid solution.

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

-John 10:10

5.  We've been told to lean on God and He will sustain us. Addiction is self-medicating and a coping mechanism that takes away our need for God.

6.  If we don’t believe addiction is a sin there’s NO reconciliation with God. 

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ."

-Colossians 2:8 (ESV)

Okay, Addiction is a Sin. What Now?

There's deliverance, mercy and forgiveness for people who struggle with addiction, just like there is for you and I from our sin. Addiction is not a bigger sin, it's not an incurable disease and it's certainly not hopeless. 

The person the addict is while under the influence of their addiction, is not who God created them to be. We need to see them from God's point of view and handle their addiction in the way that God tells us, with love, compassion, accountability, and prayer.

What Can You Do to Help a Spouse Overcome Addiction?

"Four men tried to bring a crippled friend to Him [Jesus]; but since the crowd prevented their carrying him close enough to get Jesus’ attention, they climbed up onto the roof, opened a hole in it, and lowered the paralyzed man on his mat down to Jesus. Jesus recognized the faith of these men. Jesus [said] (to the paralyzed man): Son, your sins are forgiven."

-Mark 2:3-5 (VOICE)

Did you catch that? "Jesus recognized the faith of these men." The faith, of the paralyzed man's FRIENDS- not his own.  

Don't abandon your loved one in their hour of need. Intercede for them! Believe in their healing and lower them to Jesus with YOUR prayers, YOUR hope and YOUR FAITH. Those are all things you can do from a safe distance if the relationship is hurting you, or if your boundaries have been crossed.

God’s love for us covers all our sins, we only need to ask. This is my truth about addiction, what's yours?

Leah Grey


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