Posts in Mental Health
Join Us in Habit (on Facebook!) an Online Community for Women Affected by Addiction

Yes, that’s right. By the name of the title you already know what’s happening.

Back. To. Facebook.

“Why?” You ask? Or maybe it’s more like, “I told you so!” Well, that’s why! Because you told me so. You’re right!

If you’re reading this for the first time, let me fill you in.

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Why is Pornography so Intoxicating?!

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that pornography and sex are like drugs. Repeat that sentiment over and over again and you’ll start to believe it’s the same chemistry- but is it really? Or are we lying to ourselves about what's really going on in the brain when it’s high on lust?

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5 (Un)Gentle Suggestions on How to Get a Reality Check When You've Romanticized the Past

I have a vivid memory of my mother from my childhood. I think of it often. She's folding laundry in her bedroom, and I'm chattering on about something as she holds out a fitted sheet. We each take our respective corners, create a crease and bend them in neatly while I continue talking. In complete unison, we fold the sheet.

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Why Do Good Girls Fall for Bad Boys?

Do you remember 10 Things I Hate About You? My 1990’s self soaked that up like nothing else. Angry girl bands. Cute guy with curly hair. Crop tops and sullen faces. Yes, I was all about it.

Explains a lot.

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"Why Would You Do That?" And Other Questions About Drugs

1 in 3 Americans Will Have a Friend Die From a Drug Overdose

This statistic comes from a recent study done by American Addiction Centers. Among the other findings of this survey, they concluded that Millennials are most affected by these deaths, that 44% of those surveyed said the victim they knew was perceived to have a vibrant social life, and that those with vibrant social lives were less likely to be predicted to fatally overdose.

When I first read the statistic that 1 in 3 Americans know someone who has passed from an overdose, I was skeptical. Could that really be true? The opioid crisis is certainly a big deal, and the chickens are coming home to roost with Purdue Pharma now allegedly considering bankruptcy due to the lawsuits against them. But could a third of everyday Americans really know someone who has died from an overdose? 

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Girl, Clean Out Your Mind

Wouldn’t it be great if cleaning out our mind was as easy as cleaning out our closet?

Negative thoughts? Toss ‘em!

Feelings of judgment or hate? See ya!

Resentment? You’re outta here!

While it might not be as easy as throwing a blouse into a donation box, we can decide whether we are going to wear that thought, keep it hanging in the closet for another year or get rid of it.

Ask yourself- what thoughts do I have that lead me to experience negative emotions?

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How to Use Essential Oils to Detox Your Life

When it comes to health and beauty, the Bible is a handbook that is often overlooked. Essential oils are repeatedly mentioned in the Bible for uses such as aromatherapy, healing, cleansing and anointing. Even the Apostles used essential oils! When God created the Earth, He gave us everything we would need to live a healthy life as well as the tools to keep ourselves feeling fabulous while doing it!

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Why We Need to Support a Loved One in their Mental Illness

Finding out you have a mental illness can be a tough pill to swallow. It can also provide relief and answers for those that have struggled with anxiety and depression.

“I’ve always felt like something in me is off, but it’s hard to explain”.

I remember hearing my husband speak those words to me a few times throughout the course of our marriage but I always brushed it off, “Everyone feels like that sometimes. I’m sure you’re fine” (I mean, we all have a little bit of crazy, right?!?).

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Hygge, Minimalism and the Art of Letting Go

For quite a few years now, I have been learning more and more about minimalism. I’ll preempt this by saying that I’m not a true minimalist by any means however I’m also not a huge consumer and have no problem getting rid of what I, or my family, doesn’t need. 


My journey of “letting go” began with clothing long before minimalism was a “thing”. 

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"Tough love is a very fine line" [Interview] Behind the Drugs

Hello, I’m Jen Underwood, a freelance writer. My friend, Jessie, has struggled with addiction and agreed to let me interview her in order to help others understand addiction. In talking with her, I feel God taught me something as well. Addicts don't want to be seen as addicts but for who they are beyond the addiction. On the other hand, my friend does not see her worth as I see her. She is the kind of soul that others gravitate toward.

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What Panic Attacks Have Taught Me About Strength


There is nothing I have ever experienced; not bullying, not divorce, not even addiction, that has made me feel more helpless than a panic attack. There is a moment where the waves of terror take over my body and hold my thoughts captive.

Though I know the panic attacks comes a resurgence of painful memories my body is the piece of me that loses control. In the midst of the attack, I can tell myself, “This isn’t real, it’s going to end, I will be able to breathe, everything is going to be okay” but I cannot convince my body to relax or find breath.

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